University of Amsterdam Nikhef institute for subatomic physics
Detector R&D, Nikhef Institute of Subatomic Physics

Amsterdam Science Park, Nikhef building office N322
Science Park 105
1098 XG Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Jory Sonneveld

I am assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam where I work in the Nikhef detector R&D group on fast silicon detectors.

Research Interests

Detector development, tracking, modeling of silicon sensors, particle physics at colliders.


University of Amsterdam:
Apr-Jul 2022: The Nikhef Experiment
Feb-Mar 2022: Astroparticle physics at Amsterdam University College
Feb-Mar 2022: Particle detection
January 2022: Research lab
Apr-Jul 2021: The Nikhef Experiment
Feb-Mar 2021: Particle detection
January 2021: Research lab

Universität Hamburg:
Fall 2016: Tutor for Kern- und Teilchenphysik

Spring 2016: Tutor for Elektromagnetismus und Optik

RWTH Aachen University:
Fall 2014: Tutor for Electrodynamics - Theoretische Fysik II

Spring 2013: Tutor for Quantum Mechanics - Theoretische Fysik III

Fall 2013: Tutor for Statistical Physics - Theoretische Fysik IV


You are very welcome to start a project in our group!

Previously I worked with the people below on:
Characterisation and Time resolution measurements of the RD50-MPW2 monolithic silicon pixel sensor, Christina Tsolanta, University of Amsterdam, 2022, Master Thesis
Time resolution of monolithic sensors for the ALICE upgrade, Dorian Sloot, University of Amsterdam, 2022, Bachelor Thesis
Keeping up the Pace -- Characterising the Laser Setup used to evaluate Timing-Performances of Silicon Pixel Sensors for the HL-LHC upgrade, Lene van Rootselaar, Amsterdam University College, 2022, Bachelor Thesis
Towards a Muon Tomography System for Spent Nuclear Fuel, Marjolein Heidotting, University of Amsterdam, 2022, Master Thesis
Testing of the New ALICE MLR1 DPTS for the ALICE Inner Tracking System Upgrade, Bram van Haastrecht, University of Amsterdam, 2022, Bachelor Thesis
CMS Phase-1 pixel detector readback current and voltages, Redwan Habibullah, CERN, 2020, CMS detector note (internal link)
Thermal measurements and characterizations for the CMS phase-1 barrel pixel detector with evaporative CO2 cooling system, Max Rauch, RWTH Aachen, 2020, PhD Thesis
Development of the OMDS Population Modules, Judita Beinortaite, CERN, 2019, Summer Student Project
Adding resources to OMS, Al DePope, CERN, 2019, Summer Student Project
Study of the failure of the DC-DC converters of the CMS pixel detector, Thenia Prousalidi, NTU Athens, 2020, Master Thesis
Evolution of silicon sensor parameters of the CMS tracker due to continuous irradiation during operation - Julia Hunt, CERN and Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology, 2018, Master Thesis
Precise jet measurements and search for supersymmetric particles with the CMS experiment - Marek Niedziela, Universität Hamburg, 2018, PhD Thesis
Identifying signatures of and designing searches for unexplored SUSY models with the CMS detector - Malte Mrowietz, Universität Hamburg, April 2018, Master Thesis
Search for Supersymmetric Particles from VFB-like processes with two Tau-Leptons with same sign charges at CMS - Daniele Marconi, Universität Hamburg, 2018, PhD Thesis
Multivariate Analysetechniken zur Supersymmetriesuche am LHC - Phuoc Thien Le, Universität Hamburg, September 2016, Bachelor Thesis
Implementation und Validierung von Ausschlussgrenzen auf Supersymmetrie in Fittino, Nanette Range, University of Bonn, July 2015, Bachelor Thesis
Neutrino Physics at the LHC - Laura Friedeheim, RWTH Aachen University, August 2013, Bachelor Thesis

Selected presentations

2022-10-25 RD50 HV CMOS for future colliders, Invited talk, Vertex 2022, Tateyama, Japan 2022-10-25
Towards picosecond timing with ultrathin silicon pixel detectors, Nikhef colloquium, Amsterdam, 2021-10-01
Deeltjes om ons heen en in versnellers -- en het detecteren daarvan , Guest lecture given at a Dutch high school on the day of women and girls in science, Amsterdam, 2021-02-11
Pixel detectors and fast timing with MAPS , Talk given in Nikhef ATLAS group meeting, Amsterdam, 2021-01-29
The CMS Pixel Detector: Ready for the future? , 7th KSETA Plenary Workshop 2020, Durbach, 2020-02-21
The CMS Pixel Detector for the High Luminosity LHC , TREDI2020, Vienna, 2020-02-17
CMS pixel sensors and modules: lessons learned and the road ahead , 12th Terascale Detector Workshop, Dresden, 2019-03-14
Radiation effects in the CMS phase 1 pixel detector, 14th "Trento" Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors, Trento, 2019-02-25
Silicon radiation damage at the LHC experiments, Radiation effects in the LHC experiments and impact on performance, CERN, 2019-02-11
SUSY Highlights -- Current results and future prospects, Rencontres du Vietnam, Qui Nhon, Vietnam, 2018-08-07
Commissioning and first results from the CMS phase-1 upgrade pixel detector , Vertex2017, Asturias, 2017-09-10
Limit setting and statistics The first MadAnalysis 5 workshop on LHC recasting, Korea, 2017-08-21


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