import math def deltaPhi(phi1, phi2): result = phi1 - phi2; if result > math.pi: result -= 2*math.pi if result <= -math.pi: result += 2*math.pi return result def deltaR(v1, v2): return math.sqrt(deltaPhi(v1.phi(), v2.phi())**2 + (v1.eta()-v2.eta())**2) def deltaR(phi1, eta1, phi2, eta2): return math.sqrt(deltaPhi(phi1, phi2)**2 + (eta1-eta2)**2) # This is for intercepting the output of ROOT # In a cell, put %%rootprint so that the output that would normally be # sent directly to the stdout will instead be displayed in the cell. # It must be the first element in the cell. import tempfile import ROOT from IPython.core.magic import (Magics, magics_class, cell_magic) @magics_class class RootMagics(Magics): """Magics related to Root. %%rootprint - Capture Root stdout output and show in result cell """ def __init__(self, shell): super(RootMagics, self).__init__(shell) @cell_magic def rootprint(self, line, cell): """Capture Root stdout output and print in ipython notebook.""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpFile: ROOT.gSystem.RedirectOutput(, "w") # ns = {} # exec cell in, ns exec cell in ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine("gSystem->RedirectOutput(0);") print # Register ip = get_ipython() ip.register_magics(RootMagics)