University of Hamburg
Particle Physics & Detector Development, Institute of Experimental Physics

Physics campus Bahrenfeld, Building 68, room 119
Luruper Chaussee 149
D-22761 Hamburg, Germany


To recast analyses for easy limits on a range of BSM physics models.
Examples of recasted analyses in MadAnalysis can be found here. See validation notes for how validation material including cutflows and event generation information is used.
See below for specific examples of validation material.


In order to implement all cuts correctly, cutflows for a few benchmark points are indispensable.
Preferably these points cover large and small mass splittings (ISR validation) and may have processes involving top and bottom quarks (b-tagging) and leptons (isolation criteria).

  1. An example of a cutflow for all signal points both with the cumulative efficiencies from the preselection like:

    These SUS-16-033 cutflows
    and these cut flows for stop, sbottom, and squark models in the same SUSY search

  2. Furthermore, one would need signal-region specific per parameter point efficiencies like:

    These signal region SUS-16-033 efficiencies
    And these signal region SUS-16-033 efficiencies

LHE files OR generation information

When cutflow validation fails, it is desirable to have original LHE files from the benchmark points OR generation information to exclude that the cause of failure was at production or shower level.
If LHE files are not available one would need generation information: SLHA, MadGraph, Pythia cards and matching settings. For generation information one would need files like those used for SUSY analyses shown here and pythia and matching settings.

Generator production information

  1. This is for example a proc card for production in MadGraph

    like this proc card used in SUSY
  2. One would also need a run card with MadGraph (matching) settings:

    like this run card used for gluino production
  3. Any extra mass-dependent production parameters like cuts or matching settings

  4. Other examples of generation information:
    DM pseudoscalar to ttbar with dileptons (CMS-SUS-17-001)
    Z prime to two photons (CMS-EXO-16-012)
    CMS 13 TeV genproductions

Fragmentation information

What is also needed are settings used in showering such as with Pythia8, like the genfragment, pythia8common and pythia8cuep8m1 settings (depending on what is used), for example:

  1. This general fragmentation information
    This model specific information

    This information used in CMS-EXO-16-022
  2. and then correspondingly the following pythia settings (since these are called from elsewhere):

    These 'common' settings
    These 'CUEP8M1' settings

One can then insert these settings in a default pythia cmd file /MadGraph pythia8_card.dat as in the following examples:
This model specific example
This general example

Model information

For producing LHE files one also needs the slha files corresponding to the benchmark points that were studied, like

  1. this gluino simplified model.